Cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and lung disease are the leading causes of preventable death and disability in Canada. The Public Health Agency of Canada refers to them as “The Big Four.”
Read MorePosted by ComForCare on May 9, 2018 8:00:00 AM
Cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and lung disease are the leading causes of preventable death and disability in Canada. The Public Health Agency of Canada refers to them as “The Big Four.”
Read MoreTopics: Aging, Activities and Lifestyle, Healthy Living
“I can talk to my dad about anything,” Dave of Winnipeg, Manitoba said. “But for some reason, I had a lot of trouble broaching the subject of home care.”
For many, talking to a loved one about getting help causes anxiety. Here are some tips for making the conversation less stressful.
Read MoreTopics: Aging, Home Care Planning, Safety, Healthy Living
Tuesday, April 3, is National Family Caregiver Day. In honour of family caregivers, we are giving them the floor. We asked three Canadian caregivers what lessons they have learned or what has changed in their lives from their experience as caregivers.
Read MoreTopics: Caregiving, Alzheimer's and Dementia, Holidays
Posted by ComForCare on Mar 21, 2018 9:00:00 AM
Everyone forgets and loses things. We all know someone who needs to buy a new wallet at least once a year, and “Where are my glasses?” may be the most-used phrase in the English language. How can you tell the difference between normal forgetfulness and memory loss that could be a sign of Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia?
Read MoreTopics: Aging, Caregiving, Alzheimer's and Dementia
If you are caring for a loved one, you know time is precious. When you do have a moment to spare, you may spend it scrolling through Facebook or flipping through the channels on TV. However, there may be more productive uses of your time. Here are some ideas of what you can do if life presents you with a break for five, 10 or 30 minutes.
Read MoreTopics: Home Care Planning, Caregiving, Activities and Lifestyle
Posted by ComForCare on Feb 21, 2018 9:00:00 AM
Transitions of care can be any transfer your loved one makes between a facility such as a hospital, a skilled nursing facility, an assisted living community or their home. In the 30 days following discharge from a hospital or care facility, the chance of readmission is high.
Read MoreTopics: Fall Prevention, Home Care Planning, Caregiving, Safety
Posted by ComForCare on Feb 9, 2018 9:15:44 AM
Valentine’s Day is the time to celebrate any type of love in your life: The love between friends, between romantic partners, between siblings, and between parents and children. Here are some ideas for making the most of Valentine’s Day as a caregiver.
Topics: Caregiving, Holidays, Activities and Lifestyle
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