Hoarding Can Be a Hazard for Your Older Loved One - Part 1

Posted by Haley Kotwicki on Apr 2, 2019 8:00:00 AM

While my grandpa and grandma lived in their independent living community for seniors, my mom and I would visit a couple of times each week to help with the light cleaning, such as dusting and vacuuming. The clutter we mostly left untouched until after my grandpa died. What we found was amazing: newspapers going back months, some aged candies and so on. I know, the situation could have been more challenging – they could have been hoarding.

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Topics: Aging, Healthy Living

Animals Can Make Older Adults Happier and Healthier

Posted by ComForCare on Mar 26, 2019 8:00:00 AM

Animals can make great companions for older adults who live alone or want the company of a furry friend. But, before you adopt a pet, make sure that your loved one is onboard with the idea. 

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Topics: Activities and Lifestyle, Healthy Living

Heart Disease 101: Get Heart Smart This February

Posted by ComForCare on Feb 14, 2019 8:00:00 AM

Heart disease is one of the most common health concerns in Canada, affecting 1 in 12 Canadian adults. It’s also the second leading cause of death in Canada. February is Heart Month - a time to learn about the importance of cardiovascular health. 

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Topics: Healthy Living

Show Yourself Some Love With Self-Care

Posted by ComForCare on Feb 7, 2019 1:00:00 PM

On Valentine’s Day people send tokens of love to special people in their lives, but some people tend to forget to show themselves some love. This is especially true for family caregivers. 

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Topics: Caregiving, Healthy Living

How to Keep a Good Habit

Posted by ComForCare on Jan 3, 2019 11:50:00 AM

New Year’s Day is over, but New Year’s resolutions are just getting started. Surprisingly, only 31 percent of Canadians will make a New Year's resolution, and 73 percent will ultimately break them, according to a poll

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Topics: Holidays, Healthy Living

Help Seniors Eat Healthier Through Local Produce

Posted by ComForCare on Oct 11, 2018 9:00:00 AM

“Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” – Michael Pollan author of “Food Rules”

Most of us know we should be following Michael Pollan’s deceptively simple rules for eating well. These rules become even more important as we age. Yet, older adults face nutritional challenges for reasons that go beyond food trends and confusing food advice.

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Topics: Aging, Home Care Planning, Caregiving, Activities and Lifestyle, Healthy Living

Good Nutrition Can Help You Live Your Best Life Possible

Posted by ComForCare on Sep 12, 2018 8:00:00 AM

Having good physical function is important in maintaining independence for older adults. Physical function includes everyday tasks such as the ability to walk around, get up from a chair without assistance or bathe and dress oneself.

Nutrition is a key factor in maintaining good physical function among older adults. A Brigham and Women’s Hospital study that compared diet quality and physical function in over 50,000 women found those who had a healthy diet over the years were less likely to develop problems with physical function as they grew older.

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Topics: Aging, Healthy Living

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