How to Keep a Good Habit

Written by ComForCare | Jan 3, 2019 4:50:00 PM

New Year’s Day is over, but New Year’s resolutions are just getting started. Surprisingly, only 31 percent of Canadians will make a New Year's resolution, and 73 percent will ultimately break them, according to a poll

Starting a good habit can be challenging, but there is some good news. A study discovered those who make goals to be healthier in the new year and stick to them can reduce their cancer risk by 33 percent. So, let’s make a resolution to stick to our resolutions.

Reaching Your Goal

It may seem daunting to lose weight, save money, etc., but with these tips, you can have a better chance to succeed.

  1. Limit the number of resolutions: Instead of making a list of 20 goals, pick the top 3 and work on those. That way you won’t feel overwhelmed.

  2. Be specific: If your resolution is to read more, then set a goal to read one book each month. By being specific, it makes the resolution more manageable, so you’ll be more likely to stick with it.

  3. Find your support: Ask your friends and family to encourage you or help keep you accountable. However, they should keep a positive mindset and be supportive of your efforts. You can seek professional assistance from your physician, therapist or personal trainer, as well.

The Magic Number

Contrary to popular belief, 21 days is not the magic number to reach when making or breaking a habit. In a study published by the European Journal of Social Psychology, researchers found participants formed new behaviours after 66 days on average; the entire range was 18-254 days, which means each person’s journey to create a new behaviour is unique. So, it may take you a relatively short time or you may need more time to form a new habit. Either way, it is important to find satisfaction in the little victories on the path to success. While there may be setbacks and relapses when integrating good habits into your daily routine, do not give up or develop excuses.

Taking better care of yourself might be one item on your list of resolutions. If you’re a family caregiver, finding the time to do so can seem impossible. That’s where ComForCare Home Care can help. We can provide respite care so you have more time to form those new, healthy habits.