According to the Government of Canada, older adults (65 years and older) need to participate in bone and muscle strengthening activities twice per week. Digging in the garden and squatting to pick out weeds are ways older adults can include strength training into their exercise routine.
Gardening is a natural way to unwind. When asked to either garden or read for 30 minutes after doing a stressful task, those who gardened were in a better mood and less stressed. Those who read were also less stressed, but their mood got worse.
Gardens have the power to bring people together, whether for planting, weeding, watering or just enjoying the beauty. You and your loved one could go to your local government to start a community garden. There are garden clubs that you can join, also. Garden societies hold meetings, share tips and tricks, create events to promote gardening (including Garden Days) and volunteer to beautify their communities.
Gardening Safety
While gardening has many benefits, there are various health risks. Here are some tips from the Government of Canada:
Gardening is a great Meaningful Activity for older adults because it brings joy and purpose into their lives. So, what are you waiting for? Get some dirt and seeds and help your loved one grow healthier and happier.